November 2022 budget and how it affects the self employed

Income Tax allowances and NIC thresholds frozen until 2028

The thresholds at which you pay income tax and national insurance will not change from April 2023 (tax year 2023/24) to April 2028 (tax year 2027/28).

From 2023/24 to 2027/28, the Personal Allowance for Income Tax, Primary Threshold for class 1 National Insurance, Lower Profits Limit for class 4 NI and the Lower Profits Threshold for class 2 NI will remain at £12,570 per year.

Rates are as follows above this threshold:

  • 20% basic rate income tax
  • 9% self-employment national insurance class 4
  • Flat rate of £3.45 per week for self-employment national insurance class 2 (see below)

From 2023/24 the Higher Tax limit for income tax (40%), Upper Earnings Limit for class 1 NI and Upper Profits Limit for class 4 NI will remain at £50,270 per year.

All of these changes will apply across the UK apart from the Higher Rate Tax limit which will not apply in Scotland.

Class 2 NI payments (self-employment)

From 2023/24 the Small Profits Threshold for class 2 NIC will be £6,725 per year.  If your profits are below this threshold you do not have to pay class 2 NIC

Profits between £6,726 and £12,570 will not have to pay class 2 NIC but are treated as having made Class 2 NIC without needing to pay this gives a year credit towards your state pension.

Profits of £12,571 and above will have to pay class 2 NIC at a rate of £3.45 per week collected as one annual payment as part of your self-assessment.

Additional Rate Threshold change

From April 2023 (tax year 2023/24) higher earners will start paying the Additional Rate of tax (45%) on earnings above £125,140. Previously this threshold was £150,000.

This will apply in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


income tax, National Insurance, self employed, Tax, tax for self employed

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